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ซึ่งในบลอคเก่านั้นเราโพสต์เมื่อวันที่ 14 พฤษภาคม 2550 ที่ผ่านมา
"hi all,
this's first time for me to write diary in this web.
during this summer, i saw lots of movies; JP films, US films and thai films
although i enjoyed all of them for relax...those make me feel good for my problems
i realize that i saw more than 10 films for one months in the theater... i don't believe that!
What a lazy girl! i had more leisure times...O_o"
some problems must use nature to fix it...if u have a trip to Dhramma trip...it's good for ur heart
in late april, i went to Suan Moak at Chai-ya, Surathani province with my ex-high school. i havne't been there for 4 years although i went in few day, i had better and got power to solve problem of my life
in thai Dhamma is come from Dhamma-chart that same meaning of nature in English. A monk told me that its from Duty; Duty to do everything in our life and behave on the ways of realize in the fact (to borne, to growth, to pain and to die)
When we go to temple, we go in peace and do everything carefully with ur heart and body. Why don't we use every lifestyle with similar heart and body... if we do like that more problems in our world will be less: reduce quarrel, reduce crime and we'll stay in happy world...or it seem occur in daydream?"